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September 2018 President's Update

Writer: Fredericksburg-EsteFredericksburg-Este

Hello, Este Members and Friends.

Florence has caused a flurry of changes for our hosting plans for our dear Este friends! Here’s a rundown summary of the altered planning for the visit, from Saturday, 15 Sept. to Friday, 21 Sept.

Adult Exchange Visit Sept. 14-21.

Pizza Palooza has been postponed from 15 Sept. to sometime in October. When the decision to “go or no go” had to be made, the best information led to a decision to reschedule. We will let you know!In lieu of Saturday’s Palooza, we are making plans for other fun. Cathy Walker is in charge of the Adult Visit schedule, and she will be sending you info very soon.

We are waiting on news from Spirit of Washington about whether the previously planned cruise on Sunday evening, 16 Sept., is a go. We anticipate that the flooding Potomac waters may be too treacherous for this event. Again, we will keep you posted, and will notify as soon as we have an answer. If it is a “no go,” we will reschedule this fun and popular outing to an October date. ALTERNATIVELY, we have two back-up activities in the wings for Sunday. Again, we will let you know ASAP.Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday’s schedules are all set up, and will take place as previously announced. PLEASE SIGN UP HERE for the Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday, Sept. 20, at Dorothy Hart. 


INTERNATIONAL WEEKEND IN ESTE SEPTEMBER 27-OCTOBER 2: It’s not too late to sign up to visit Este during this festive and informative time. It’s an annual convening of all Este’s sister cities for a few days of discussion and sharing about the E.U. and international topics. Housing will be provided. Contact Kathryn or 540-903-3186 for more information.

ARTIST EXCHANGE: October 12-25. Nadir Frizzarin (check out his Facebook page) will be coming to Fredericksburg. He’s multi-talented, working in oils/acrylics, and also in body art tattooing. He will be accompanied by Sabrina Dal Bello, Este’s chair of arts exchange, and also by a photojournalist/photographer, who will be recording his Fredericksburg visit for a feature story and photo essay of Our Fair City. Lots of events for the membership during his visit, so stay tuned. Also, our enduring thanks to LibertyTown and the Leckeys for partnering with our Association for this exciting exchange.

FREE ITALIAN LECTURE: On October 12, our own Billy Chestnut will give a free lecture on the history of Italy prior to the Romans. Light refreshments and gathering time at 6:30; lecture begins at 7 PM, and concludes at 8 PM. Sydnor Hall (George Street Entrance) of St. George’s Church. Donations accepted.

FREE CONCERT: October 26. Our annual free classical concert, The William Prescott Carter Memorial Concert, will be offered at St. George’s Episcopal Church on Friday, October 26 at 7 PM. Washington’s Camarata will be our guest performers.

FREE LECTURE: On November 9, our own Nancy Heyward will give a free lecture on the “Pierro della Francesca Trail,” following the artistic life and works of this early Renaissance master as he traveled through Italy completing commissioned frescos. Light refreshments and gathering time at 6:30; lecture begins at 7 PM, and concludes at 8 PM. Sydnor Hall (George Street Entrance) of St. George’s Church. Donations accepted.

LA BEFANA: January 6. This Italian tradition continues with our annual La Befana dinner, on Jan. 6--Ephipany. The “witch” comes and sweeps the home clean of past “evils” so that the family can begin the new year afresh. This is an all-member event. We will be sending out info for reservations as the time nears.

FREE LECTURE: February 8. Our own Rusty Neal will speak about the Medieval University in Italy. Light refreshments and gathering time at 6:30; lecture begins at 7 PM, and concludes at 8 PM. Sydnor Hall (George Street entrance), St. George’s Church. Donations accepted.

ESTE ANNUAL MEETING: Tentatively:  March 15, Central Rappahannock Regional Library. Traditional location and date. All membership sharing, review of the year and planning for upcoming events, as well as officer elections and an Italian based program. More info to follow.

ALL SISTER CITY POT LUCK DINNER: TENTATIVE. Traditionally held in April at the Dorothy Hart Community Center, this pot luck dinner offers a time for all sister city folks to meet, talk, and share food, costumes, and cultures. As time draws nearer, more info to follow.FREE LECTURE: April 12. Our own Dr. Marjorie Och will present another fascinating lecture on the artist Tintoretto. Sydnor Hall, St. George’s Church (George Street Entrance). Light refreshments at 6:30, Lecture begins at 7 and concludes at 8 PM. Donations accepted.

It’s a packed program and a variety of events. Want to help serve on a committee? Program (Odile Pryor,, Membership (Jane Shelhorse,, Historian (Pat Baughman, Communications/Online (Ashley would welcome one or two helpers. It’s fun!

AND: Our dues run from March 15 to March 15. If you’re past due, please consider renewing! There’s a Membership link on the website,

Grazie a tutti!

Kathryn Willis President

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