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Newsletter January 2020

Writer: Fredericksburg-EsteFredericksburg-Este

Updated: Feb 26, 2020

Upcoming Events

FRIDAY JAN 17: Lecture: The Roman Kingdom

by Rusty Neal. St. George’s Church, George Street Entrance. 905 Princess Anne Street. 6:30 PM light refreshments. 7 PM lecture. Free. Donations Accepted.

DUE NOW: Membership dues are due now for the 2020-21 year, which begins March 15, 2020. You MUST be an active member with up-to-date dues in order to vote at the Annual Meeting, Membership levels: $20, Member; $35, Family; $100, Sustaining.

Payment may be made on line at our website,, or by check, payable to Fredericksburg-Este Association, PO Box 157, Fredericksburg, VA 22404 *note the zip code!; Or you may pay at any of our events—such as the Jan. 17 Lecture at St. George’s!


Wine Tasting at Fraser Wood Elements

1023 Caroline Street. $25. This popular event, which features Italian wines and commentaries offered by our downtown friends CityVino, includes several Italian varieties, and lovely cheeses and other small bite hors d’oeuvres. This is an excellent event for including friends who may be interested in joining. Members and guests are invited. Wines will also be available for purchase.

Send your checks payable to Fredericksburg-Este Association to PO Box 157, Fredericksburg, VA 22404, or with prior reservation, you may pay at the door. Please send reservation notes to, with WINE TASTING RESERVATIONS in the subject line.


Lecture. Pre-Roman Northern Italy.

Billy Chestnut. Friday, March 13. St. George’s Church. 905 Princess Anne Street. 6:30 PM light refreshments; 7 PM lecture. Free. Donations accepted.


Annual Meeting.

Review 2019-20 activities. Election of new board members. Central Rappahannock Regional Library. 1201 Caroline Street, Fredericksburg. Free. Donations accepted. 6:00 PM. You MUST have paid your dues for 2020-21 in order to vote.


Massimo Giordano, our Este friend, has invited 3 or 4 people if they wish, to Este for the Flower Festival, the end of April, the weekend of April 24-26. They may wish to stay for 4 or 5 days. This is an out-of-program personal invitation, not an official Este program visit.


Massimo Giordano and Luigina Bernardi, Paola Fontana and Marcello Pistorio, and one other traveler will be touring New England in early June, and then to Washington DC, and then to Fredericksburg following that tour. The five Este friends would like to stay in Fredericksburg for 4 or 5 days before returning to Este. If you are interested in hosting, please send an email to, with JUNE ESTE FRIENDS HOSTING in the subject line. This is an out-of-program personal invitation, not an official Este program visit. Grazie!


The Este Rotary Club will participate in a student exchange with the Rappahannock Rotary this summer. Three or four Este students, chosen by competition, will travel to Fredericksburg, hopefully to be housed with a Rappahannock Rotary family. Students must be 16 to participate. The Este students will come to Fredericksburg the first two weeks in July; they will then return to Este with their host student the second two weeks in July. If you are interested, please email our Rotary liaison, Chip Willis, at


This is our year to host our Este friends in Fredericksburg. This IS our official, in-program visit between our two organizations. The board has determined the dates of our invitation so that our Este friends can participate in Pizza Palooza, as their last invitation to visit was in 2018 (they visit here in even years). As you recall, Pizza Palooza for that year was moved to October, as there was a hurricane prediction for Fredericksburg. They are eager to participate in our signature event. We have invited up to 10 guests for ten days. The Este group will arrive on September 11, and depart on September 20. Pizza Palooza will occur on Saturday, September 19.


Our signature fundraiser event is scheduled for Saturday, September 19, in Market Square. We will again work with our friends at the Fredericksburg Area Museum, and have Market Square reserved. Again, Acoustic Onion will cover Beatles tunes and other classic rock favorites. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP WITH THIS GREAT EVENT, please let us know!

La Befana

Many thanks to Ann Tebbutt, Pat Baughman, Pam Booth, Cathy Herndon, Chip Willis, Scott Walker, Claire Simpson, and Ginny and Jack East for all they did to make La Befana such fun! Over sixty people shared Italian wine, great food, and excellent conversation at the event, held at Renato’s on Jan. 5. What a good night!

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