Welcome to our new website! We hope that you will take a moment to look around. While we’re still under construction, there’s plenty to discover.
Here are some highlights:
Many pictures posted from past events, so you can become familiar with what we do and have a flavor of our many offerings.
We will be streaming our Facebook postings on our website, so that those of you who do not participate in Facebook can be informed about our media postings.
Also, we are launching a “business” Facebook page, and slowly transitioning from our current “group” page. The advantage here is that the new page will be open to everyone to see, and not limited to those whose requests to join have been honored. We hope that this will make our online presence more accessible to a wider audience.
We will also be launching a blog, attached to the website, so that members can participate in the online conversation.
In addition, we will be adding an “Italian word and phrase of the month,” complete with audio pronunciation, so that you can become familiar with this lovely language.
The website will also be linked to our official email account, fredested2015@gmail.com
ON MARCH 15, we begin our fourth year. PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 6 pm at the Caroline Street Library for our Annual Meeting! You must be a member in good standing to vote, so please join/renew before the event. Memberships may be renewed at the meeting, but as we must confirm membership status for voting, it is very helpful to have memberships paid in advance of that evening. It is just smoother!
If you haven’t joined, please do consider. Click here for a downloadable form or online payment. Individuals, $20; Family, $35. Our Sustaining memberships, at $100, earn member discounts. In addition, we have some gifts for those who join at this level. But all levels of membership are welcome! Our aim is to extend the reach of Italian culture to as many who wish it.
We have accomplished much and continue to grow in memberships and in volunteer involvements. As you look around, please consider volunteering and participating in our activities. Volunteering for small tasks on various committees is a fine way to cultivate new friends and become better acquainted with our many Italian offerings.
We welcome you!
Kathryn Willis,