Este fans have had a busy fall!

September 21 saw over 1,000 people come to Pizza Palooza! Acoustic Onion banged out great Beatles tunes, and Primavera won the coveted People’s Choice award. The Judges’ award for both Specialty and Cheese pizzas went to Vocelli. Thanks to the Fredericksburg Area Museum for partnering with the Este volunteers. On to September 19, 2020!

September 27-29:
Este European Union festival,: Este welcomed Mayor Mary Katherine Greenlaw, as well as Odile Pryor, Cathy Herndon, Jo Love Willis, and Toni Maxine, who joined the delegation in Este. We gave, among other things, aprons with our new logo, and all were delighted with them.

October 11:
Dr. Antonio Causarano, UMW professor of education, gave a fascinating lecture on Race and Education in Fascist Italy. Over 100 attended.

October 25:
William P. Carter Memorial Italian Composers Concert at St. George’s Church drew many to hear the Fredericksburg Chamber Chorale at St. George’s Church.

November 8:
Dr. Julia DeLancey, UMW professor of art history, lectured on the popular topic of Florence and the Medici, at St. George’s, again, with over 100 in attendance.

November 14:
Odile Pryor, our excellent chair of Programs, organized two vans to visit the National Gallery of Art, for a private tour/lecture on the Verrocchio exhibit. This followed the Verrocchio lecture last year, and the DeLancey lecture earlier in November.

January 5:
La Befana! At Renato’s Restaurant, 5 PM. Special arrival of La Befana! Beginning at 5 PM, hors d’oeuvres, an Italian feast, wine, a raffle, and the appearance of our Special Guest! $38, Members and Guests.
Click here for online tix,
OR by check to PO Box 157, Fredericksburg VA 22404.
Also coming up in 2020 (Save the dates):
January 17:
The Kingdom of Rome: History Legend, Myth, Culture, by Dr. Rusty Neal. St. George’s Church, 6:30. Free.
February 7:
Wine Tasting, with wines from City Vino, with Jack and Ginny East as our sommeliers. Fraser Wood Elements, Caroline Street. Cost and tix TBA.
March 7:
Pre-Roman history lecture, Dr. Billy Chestnut. St. George’s Church, 6:30. Free.
March 19: Fred-Este Annual Meeting, Central Rappahannock Regional Library. April 17: Commedia dell’Arte, Dr. Ashley Anglin. St. George’s Church. Free.
Our sister-city in Schwetzingen has a law student, Vanessa Vierling, who is currently enrolled at Heidelberg University. Vanessa had established contact with local law firms in Fredericksburg and successfully secured an internship at Stephen M McCullough law firm in Fredericksburg, beginning June 15th, 2020, for approximately 5-6 months. We are now trying to help her find housing, preferably in the city since she will not have transportation.
Unfortunately this is a time-sensitive matter, because Vanessa needs to apply for her visa as soon as possible. Please contact Doris Mullis, Schwetzingen-Fredericksburg Alliance President, at with any leads.