Tuesday, April 5, 2022
6 PM
Theater, Central Rappahannock Regional Library
1201 Caroline Street Fredericksburg, VA
The annual meeting of the Fredericksburg-Este Association will be held in the Theater of the Central Rappahannock Regional Library Fredericksburg Branch on Tuesday, April 5, 2022, at 6 PM.
We will limit the program to the official annual meeting business. No refreshments or program will be offered. Because Covid still poses a risk and many of our members are older, we request that masks be worn. We will have masks available.
We will review the annual report from 2019, previously distributed, as well as the financial statements. We will also recap the limited but continuing activities of our sister city organization during the past two years, as well as elect board members.
Members must have renewed their dues for the 2022-23 year in order to vote. If you have not yet renewed, please do so. It is easy to join or renew on the website: www.fred-este.org.
We do not expect for this meeting to be a long one. We hope to adjourn by 7 PM.
Many thanks to you, our loyal membership. YOU have made all our activities possible.