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Fred-Este Newsletter November 2023

Writer: Fredericksburg-EsteFredericksburg-Este

Adult Exchange a total success!

Thirteen Este visitors came to Fredericksburg, stayed in members’ houses, and did a LOT! Two trips to Washington, a trip to Williamsburg, tours of Fredericksburg and surrounding historic places, and lots and lots of food and wine—we have received rave reviews and many thanks from our new Este friends.

Many member-included events were planned so that all members could meet our new Este folks and say hello to other friends of Este. First off was the welcome event at the Library—lots of food and wine, a program about what we do, and a tribute to the Mayor, Mary Katherine Greenlaw, who has done so much to support the Sister City programs in Fredericksburg. Then, we gathered at Tapa Rio for a shared dinner on the Rappahannock; then, the always-popular cocktail party at Cathy Herndon’s art house on Frederick Street—lots of nibbles provided by members, and wine by the Fred-Este Association. And then the Big Farewell party at the riverside home of Sue and Rick Henderson—crabs and beer and barbeque and hotdogs—an all-American send-off!

Pizza Palooza—Rained out!

Alas, Pizza Palooza #7 was cancelled at the last minute because of the buckets of rain that began early in the day and continued well into the evening…so sad that our Este friends missed our big signature event. But several joined in great rock ‘n roll at Colonial Tavern! So the evening was still full of fun!

Carter Memorial Italian Composers Concert

On Friday, November 10, our own Toni Crowder was joined by the Fredericksburg Concert Band Brass Quintet for our annual Italian Composers Concert. Held at St. George’s Church, the performance drew an audience of 150+ people! Our free program helps fulfill our mission to bring Italian cultural experiences to the people of Fredericksburg!

Toni’s spectacular voice offered up Italian classics, original compositions, and American fare, all well received. The Brass Quintet’s rendering of American and Italian songs in bold, fierce interpretations ended the concert in a celebratory mood. They played the anthems of all branches of the military, and several veterans stood in honor of their branches.

Such fun! And such a heartening way to bring Italian notes to our Fredericksburg friends.

Coming up:

Free Lecture

Mark your calendars for February 2, at 6:30 PM, St. George’s Church (George Street Entrance) for another free Italian lecture! Allyison Poska, History and American Studies professor emerita at UMW, will present a program on some aspect of Italian history—not yet announced, but sure to be interesting. We offer small bites and wine prior to the program, so that members and guests have a moment to mingle and chat before the program. This is another in a series of lectures and other programming offered at no cost by the Fred-Este Association. Plan to bring friends!

Dr. Poska helped establish UMW’s Women’s and Gender Studies major, serving as chair for six years. She has received numerous grants, and has been guest commentator on the topic of “Pandemics Past,” during the Covid epidemic. She has also been honored for her work in the Fredericksburg community, notably with the Rappahannock Council Against Sexual Assault, Empowerhouse and the Fredericksburg Food Bank.

It will be a delight to welcome this distinguished professor to our speaker series!

IF YOU HAVEN’T YET RENEWED YOUR MEMBERSHIP FOR 2023-24, PLEASE DO SO! Visit the website, or send your check to PO Box 157, Fredericksburg, VA 22404.

Lots yet to come! Stay tuned!

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