The Fredericksburg-Este Association was founded in 2015 as a sister city organization between Fredericksburg, VA and Este, Italy. Membership helps support programming and events here in Fredericksburg, as well as adult visits to Este, and student exchanges in partnership with the Rappahannock Rotary Club. Our Cultural Grant Fund enables artists to visit, learn, and work alongside their sister city counterparts.
Your membership and Cultural Grant Fund donations are fully tax deductible. Thank you for supporting our Italian sister city organization!
Pay Your Membership Dues Via Paypal
When clicking the buy now button below you will be taken to PayPal where you will have an option to pay with
a credit card. This choice is at the bottom of the page below the option to pay with your PayPal account.
Individual – $25.00

Family – $35.00

Sustaining – $100.00

If you would prefer to mail in your membership, please download and copy this FORM and mail it to your check to:
Fredericksburg Este Association
Attn: Membership
PO Box 157
Fredericksburg, VA 22404