The Fredericksburg Este Association nurtures friendship and cultural understanding between Fredericksburg and its sister city, Este, Italy, through exchanges,
programs and events.
The Fredericksburg-Este Association Annual Meeting March 12, 2025
Become a Member of the Fredericksburg-Este Association
Download Application Here
Individual – $25.00

Family – $35.00

Sustaining – $100.00

Purchase Potluck Ticket Here

DC goers will meet at 11 am on April 6
at Hyatt Hotel, Park and Shop Shopping Center
[across from College Avenue/Rt 1]
Departure at 11:15am.
Purchase Kennedy Center 1 Ticket Here

Purchase Kennedy Center 2 Tickets Here

Purchase 2 Potluck Tickest Here

Purchase 3 Potluck Tickest Here

Fredericksburg-Este Conversational Italian Get-Togethers
In July, the Fredericksburg-Este Association organized conversational Italian get-togethers to help beginners learn the language and allow others to improve their knowledge of Italian. A good time was enjoyed by all as they enjoyed good company and delicious Italian food and wine.
Vuoi parlare italiano? There are two opportunities: dinner (to accommodate those who work during the day) or lunch. The dinners will be held on the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. and the lunches on the third Thursday of the month at noon. Everyone is welcome, no matter how much or little they may speak Italian.
For more information, please contact Jackie Boice at jacklynboice@gmail.com or (540) 891-2814.

Fredericksburg and Este: Much in Common

Population of Fredericksburg: 19,000
60 miles from Washington, DC
Near large body of water
Historically Rich, and actively involved in
Preserving Heritage
Active Arts Community: Painting, Weaving, Photography, Ceramics
Nearby Wineries and Farming
Restaurants, Tourism, Festivals
Light Manufacturing and Small Businesses
Successful Sister City Involvement
Population of Este: 17,000
60 miles from Venice
Near large body of water
Historically Rich, and actively involved in Preserving Heritage
Active Arts Community: Photography, Ceramics
Wineries and Agricultural Heritage
Restaurants, Tourism, Festivals
Light Manufacturing and Small Businesses
Successful Sister City Involvement
The Fred-Este Blog